
Patrank – 722

Vavania, Kartak Sud 10, Saturday, 1953

As respected mother’s body has got fever, and since some time she has been having a greater desire for me coming here, owing to the command from here on last Monday, I had to depart from Nadiad on Tuesday. I have arrived here on Wednesday afternoon.

When the feeling pertaining karma result as pain in the body, at that time contemplating on the changing nature of the body, the thoughtful ones give up attachment for that body and wife, son etc. that have been obtained in relation to that body; or act to weaken that attachment.

‘Atmasiddhishastra’ must be deeply contemplated.

Regards to Shri Achal etc.

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1 Comment

  1. SUJAY SHAH January 10, 2022 at 9:41 pm



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#SadguruWhispers In a busy life, don't ignore yourself. Examine, assess and carve out your path. Check - why are you not happy, smiling and loving?